Principal's Desk

It is the matter of great privilege and immense pleasure for me to be a part of MEI Polytechnic going online the digitalization to meet the need in the competitive field. In this competitive world, it is of paramount importance to impart education to students with integrated approach so that they can successfully shape their career and be good citizens of the nation.

I am proud to say that the management and staff of MEI Polytechnic is committed to quality education and lay special emphasis on both co-curricular and curricular activities providing students an edge over others to be a leader in their respective field of activity. The MEI Website would also be a true reflection of all these diverse achievements and progresses made by the students and staff of the polytechnic in fulfilling the coveted goal of imparting disciplined and quality education.

I wish to put on record the incessant assistance and cooperation from all my teaching and non-teaching colleagues and students in publishing the Polytechnic website. I specially thank Sri Shreenivasarao A (Selection Grade Lecturer in EC Dept.) and her team for their efforts and timely completion of this web application along with the provision to make MEI Polytechnic go online.